Wednesday, April 19, 2017

SPSS independent t-test and one way ANOVA test

If you want to compare means of dependent variables on a two value variable, such as gender, you use independent t-test.

In SPSS, Click Analyze -> Compare Means -> Independent Samples T Test, a screen will pop out. In the screen, select your dependent variables as test variables , select your demographic variables, such as gender as grouping variable. You need to click the define groups button and enter 1 in group1 and 2 in group2. Then click OK and the t-test will be executed, and the independent samples test table will be shown.

On the screen, look at the Levene's Test for equality of variances.
If sig value > 0.05, look at the sig (2-tailed) upper row value. If that value is  > 0.05, the data is significant.
If sig value < 0.05, look at the sig (2-tailed) lower row value. If that value is  > 0.05, the data is significant.

If you want to compare means of dependent variables on a multiple value variable, such as age group, you use one way ANOVA.

In SPSS, Click Analyze -> Compare Means -> One Way ANOVA Test, a screen will pop out. In the screen, select your dependent variables as test variables , select your demographic variables, such as age group as factor.  Then, click on Post Hoc button, and click to enable LSD.  Then, click on Options button, and click to enable Descriptive. Then clock OK and the ANOVA test will be executed, and the multiple comparisons table, and descriptive table and ANOVA table will be shown.

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